Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Runners grab the East home

Introduction of new models, delegation of procurement authority, launched SCM system, several big-budget action Orient home, are for the foreign occupation of China building materials giant building materials prior to pre-empt the market channels

2002骞翠竴骞撮棿锛屼笢鏂瑰鍥皢鍏ㄥ浗鐨勫紑搴楁暟鐢?鏀规垚浜?4锛岃繖14瀹跺簵瑕嗙洊浜嗗寳浜?娌堥槼銆佹垚閮姐?鍝堝皵婊ㄣ?闈掑矝銆佹祹鍗椼?澶ц繛涓冨ぇ鍩庡競锛屽勾钀ヤ笟棰濊秴杩?4浜垮厓锛屾嵁璇达紝寮犲畯浼熷凡缁忓紑濮嬪嬀鐢烩?鍗佸勾鍗冨簵鈥濈殑瀹忎紵钃濆浘锛岄潰瀵硅繎骞存潵鍦ㄤ腑鍥藉姞閫熸墿寮犵殑鐧惧畨灞呫?娆у?寰凤紝涓滄柟瀹跺洯甯屾湜閫氳繃鎶㈠崰鍏堟満鎴愪负鍥藉唴寤烘潗杩為攣瓒呭競涓悕鍓叾瀹炵殑鑰佸ぇ銆?br />
Introduction of new models

Eastern homeland to create a template, that is the United States Beugnet? Marcus and Arthur? Blanco partnership created Home Depot (Home Depot). In 1994, Zhang Hongwei visit to the United States, access to such materials to the supermarket business model concept, inspired, determined to come back to this mode after the Chinese building materials market, scouring the pot of gold.

To this end, Zhang Hongwei flashed a generous, not only the rapid introduction of two million U.S. dollars into the protocols and software, Home Depot, Home Depot has hired a senior officer as president of the Orient home, even the ads are full copies of the pattern. Orient Home opened at the beginning, to be relieved of parking 2 yuan per guest parking, which Home Depot to get one U.S. dollar in cash for each guest's approach.

Home Depot's basic model is unified procurement, uniform pricing, the larger the lower the purchasing cost. This model with the traditional rental booth rental fee than the lower prices and more assurance of quality and service, but the cost and operational risk management have to be much higher. Therefore, the success of low-cost building materials supermarket weight, and lowered the price depends on the size of the supermarket, the larger the store the more the conditions for negotiations with suppliers more favorable.

However, by 2002, the East homes in the country only four stores, one store turnover of 500 million yuan each year, add up to a total of 2 billion yuan. At that time, building materials market, not including engineering, there are only 120 billion home improvement. This gap can not make their homes in the East have a profound impact on the market, too, are in negotiations with suppliers are not dominant. And then there is no corresponding IT suppliers and Oriental home docking system, the size of the East to their homes is not enough, not affect the upstream suppliers.

This is the first to set up home with the Orient's mind far from commercial distribution channels. Together with OBI, B & Q chain giant and other foreign materials on the "fat were oil, building materials market," the coveted, Oriental home suddenly felt perilous.

Delegation of procurement authority

涓嶆柇鍦板湀鍦板紑搴楋紝瀵瑰紶瀹忎紵骞堕潪淇℃墜鎷堟潵鐨勪簨銆?Zhang Hongwei rely on its parent company - has been on the A-share market to raise fund for the Eastern bloc, and finally in 2002 the East home to 14 stores open, but then "ten thousand shops" blueprint of the far than "10 stores a year," be accomplished much more.

Last year, Zhang Hongwei, chairman of the same from the east of Jinzhou Port Group subsidiary financial fraud case broke, the industry has begun to speculate on the East Group, strapped for cash. "Ten years thousands of stores," Zhang Hongwei with gold on it though is have the funding, however, the pressure is clearly not small.

鐜板湪鐪嬫潵锛岄檷浣庣墿娴佺鐞嗙殑鎴愭湰鎴愪簡棣栬鐨勫埄娑︽簮锛屼笢鏂瑰鍥鍏堥噰鍙栫殑涓炬帾鏄笅鏀鹃噰璐潈锛屽皢闆嗗洟缁熶竴閲囪喘鏀逛负鍒嗗尯鍩熼噰璐紝缂╃煭鐗╂祦鍗婂緞銆?br />
In fact, building materials consumption habits, the harmonization of procurement have been very difficult. Building materials that consumers do not decide by themselves, but by their interior design company hired to make decisions to back them, thus causing the same general region of convergence of consumer habits, buyer's procurement takes on a regional difference sex. Received by consumers such as the overall kitchenware sales setback in Qingdao, the locals are mostly used to set first and then pick a good kitchenware door table.

In fact the market in Qingdao, a global low-cost procurement system, OBI, B & Q, and the Orient Home, Homemart 4 total local market share of only 15% -20%, accounting for a real strong position in the market's or the local market stalls, although loosely organized, accounted for 80% local market share.

涓烘锛屼笢鏂瑰鍥姳浜嗗樊涓嶅涓?勾鏃堕棿璋冩暣鍟嗗搧缁撴瀯锛?0%鍟嗗搧鍦ㄥ綋鍦伴噰璐紝鍙﹀锛岀敱浜庡綋鍦颁緵搴斿晢骞朵笉鍍忓叏鍥戒緵搴斿晢閭f牱鏈夊畬鍠勭殑鐗╂祦绯荤粺锛屼笢鏂瑰鍥彧寰楀垎鍒湪澶ц繛銆佷笂娴枫?骞垮窞璁剧珛3涓厤閫佷腑蹇冿紝鍦ㄩ厤閫佷腑蹇冭緪灏勫湴鍖哄唴锛屽厛灏嗗晢鍝佽繘琛岄泦鎴愶紝鐒跺悗閰嶉?鍒拌鍖哄煙鐨勫悇瀹跺簵涓? This not only reduced their logistics costs, reduce supplier costs, operating income has gradually stabilized.

閲囪喘鏉冧笅鏀惧悗锛屼笢鏂瑰鍥?娓愯耽寰椾簡甯傚満锛屼絾闅忓嵆锛屼緵搴旈摼涓婇噰璐?鐗╂祦鐨勬晥鐜囧拰鎺у埗闂鍙堟垚涓轰笢鏂瑰鍥殑杩愯惀鐡堕銆?br />
Launched SCM

The expanded home of the IT director Zhaoying Jiang Oriental feel, "IT system is not good enough right away." As the system reasons, the oriental home store in Beijing would take at least 7 days to make up goods, and in Chengdu, even domestic suppliers, spent 20 days may not be able to load up. In 2001 the king appointed president of the East home on introduction in the United States use this model Home Depot, the shortest time replenishment less than 5 minutes.

Meanwhile, in order to reasonable and timely as possible to each branch of the purchase, distribution and storage, real-time understanding of the various groups need to store inventory and sales of goods, which features the original IT system's capability to good use and on the management of suppliers and customers also appeared to be inadequate.

It turned out that the Treasury has established the East home settlement center, at the end of Statistics monthly orders, sales, returns and other information, then clearing.缁撶畻鍚庣殑淇℃伅閫氳繃浼犵湡鍙戠粰渚涘簲鍟嗭紝纭鏃犺鍚庢墠鑳藉紑鏀エ銆?However, the fax process, it is prone to errors such as fax or data, resulting in unnecessary losses. Scale, the Oriental home located in the country makes up more than 4,000 suppliers, the number of the previous two times, a real-time, accurate, open systems as necessary, the new SCM system is responsive to this demand.

鍚屾椂锛岀己璐х殑闂涔熷緱鍒颁簡寰堝ソ鐨勮В鍐炽? Now, SCM system, sales have been, opened on the supplier, each store's merchandise sales, inventory status, suppliers can be monitored. In this way, inventory of goods from the supermarket not only to manage, but also through the automatic replenishment by the supplier to control. They can understand the sales of goods, sales of large enterprises can at any time replenishment; sales of small businesses in time to change the production plan, the protection of all supplier supplied at the same time protect their small stock.

寮?斁鐨勫彟涓?釜濂藉鏄笢鏂瑰鍥笌渚涘簲鍟嗕箣闂村疄鐜颁簡瀹炴椂浜掑姩銆?SCM绯荤粺鐨勬彁渚涘晢涓撻棬涓哄弻鏂圭殑娌熼?璁捐浜嗕竴涓帴鍙o紝渚涘簲鍟嗗彲浠ラ?杩囩郴缁熶笂浼犱竴浜涘晢鍝佺殑璇︾粏瑙勫垯銆佷娇鐢ㄥ父璇嗗拰鎶?湳鍙傛暟銆?Store the information order, you can direct customers. Now customers can see the East homes online product information, most of them from suppliers.

Suppliers in the course of gradually "taste" out of the taste of the Orient home SCM, such as number of transactions than the larger suppliers in the past using the system very frequently, every day in real time decomposition of the business processing workload from Dahua small, they soon felt the benefits.

At present, Orient homes and key supplier Nippon docking system is doing, which means that the East home sales information can be established directly to the ERP system to the state, state can establish production plans accordingly. SCM further idea is to expand to the East to their homes stand among the state's ERP, so that they are very transparent business management.


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